Friday, February 09, 2007


I've been back working on my Latvian Mitts. (On a side note I was in the store putting a 4L Skim milk in my cart - a woman was watching me as I reached down for 2 4L Whole milks she couldn't help but exclaim as I lugged them to my cart, "I have to check the expiry date to buy just one 4L milk" and I replied, "And my 3 don't even last all week".

An interesting article on old people and knitting:

For the Nato summit in Latvia 9000 mittens were knit for the delegates - can you imagine? Traditionally a bride had to knit a ton of mittens to give away at the wedding for instance

Mittens were to be given to the man who helped the bride out of the carriage or the sleigh when she returned from the church. A pair of mittens was thrown into the yard on approaching the new husband's house. When the bride was shown into the house, she left a pair of mittens near the stove.


Two Mittens said...

Those are beautiful mittens!

Mrs. M said...

Very cool!
I'm working on a handbag that's knit with toule. We'll see what the outcome brings.
Have you tried felting? It looks really interesting as well.