Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Nuclear Power Plant

Well as you may have heard on the news; Peace River was chosen as the preferred site for the development of a nuclear power plant. What they didn't tell you is that it is actually going to be a lot closer to Grimshaw as it is to be located at Lac Cardinal which is a mere 5km from here. I'm not sure what to think. If it goes ahead it will definetly change this town.


Two Mittens said...

Does that mean Grimshaw will become Springfield? And you will grow a large blue beehive on your head?

Mrs. M said...

lol...Mittens you are too funny.
Yes, I saw this on the news recently. Grimshaw will definately not be the same town...prices will rise, people will flock, etc. Let alone, the whole environmental factor. It's all very interesting.